
Monday, January 12, 2009

Back from the mainland

Aloha Friends and Family!

I hope that you are all having a wonderful new year! As I am sitting here printing out the remaining half my report cards I thought I would take this opportunity to catch you all up on my life now that I have returned to Kona!

I got back to Kona Saturday night and was greeted by my roommate Jill. On the drive home she gave me some most amazing news. Apparently the crater here is beginning to fill up, and as a result the vog will hopefully begin to subside. I have only been back a couple days now, and I can already see a difference! Everything looks so much clearer and vibrant and we actually have blue sky!

Yesterday was my first Sunday back in Kona, and I almost didn't go to church because we had a storm hit! Luckily, it subsided about a half hour before church started, so I quickly got dressed and headed to church. I am so thankful that I got to go because as much as I love my church peeps back in Cali, I really missed my church here.

Well, I guess that is it for now. I have much work to get done before all the kiddos show up on Wednesday. I must say that I do miss them and can't wait to see them all!

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