
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One of those days...

Aloha all! Today has been quite a day, and I must say that I am ever thankful that it is almost over. Although it was nice having a three day weekend, I was sick all day yesterday, so I couldn't even do anything fun. I just stayed on the couch all day and watched pretty much all of cycle 11 of ANTM. When I woke up this morning I did not want to get out of bed, so I prayed for strength for the day and got ready for work. I usually get to work at about 7am, and wanted to make sure that I did not run late today because I had a meeting a 730, and I knew it would cut in to my prep time for the morning. Well, I was out the door at about 10 to 7 (right on time!) but when I got to my car it wouldn't start! The battery was completely dead! I didn't know what to do at first and started to freak out. When I am tired I tend to be more emotional, and I was definitely tired from not feeling well, and I knew I couldn't be late to this meeting. So I called a friend from work and asked her to pick me on her way to work. I got to school just a few minutes before 730, which left me no time to get anything ready in my classroom.

The rest of the morning went ok. We watched a small (and I do small) bit of the inauguration in class and later wrote about what we would do if we were president.

Over the course of the day I had 3 students go home early because they were sick. They all seemed to have stomach sickness which is not what I have, so please pray for me that I don't get it!

So that was pretty much my day. I can't wait to go home and just chill for the evening. I do need to go get a new battery for my car though! Hopefully that will fix my problem so I will be able to go to work tomorrow :)

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