
Monday, February 2, 2009


Aloha readers!!!

I keep meaning to update you all on life here in Kona, but things have been a bit hectic here lately. Let me begin by telling you all about Chloe. She is our new class pet, and the kids love her! She is a beta fish. She gets fed Monday, Wednesday and Friday by the kids. It is a reward for the kids to get to feed her, so it is a nice little extra motivator.

For the last three weeks I have been taking Sirac (not sure on the spelling!) lessons at the YWAM base which is right next to where I live. It is a form of dancing that is a mix between swing and salsa. I love it! I go with some people from church, and then of course there are a ton of YWAM people there. Some I know and some I don't, but I am getting to know people's names more and more as I go. It is on Sunday nights and it is a great way to end the weekend. The best part is that it is only 4 dollars per class! What a deal!

I also got a new roommate yesterday. Her name is Leah and she is fantastic! She is so sweet and nice, and she loves the Office, which is a deal breaker for me :)

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