
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One more...

Aloha all! Well... I just found out that I will be getting a new student tomorrow. That puts me at 21....with no aide.... oh well, what am I gonna do about it. Just my best!

I had a really nice loooong weekend. Saturday I just hung around the house... went to the grocery store... nothing too exciting. Sunday after church I hung out by the pool and read my magazine... very relaxing! And yesterday I went to the pool and swam for a little bit, and then did Tae bo (spelling??) with my roommate. I am sooo sore! It was fun though. And then I went to dinner with my friend from work and her daughter. We had the BEST pizza!

The best part about having a Monday off is that you still only have a four day week!!! Yeah!

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