
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Longest Day....

Today was seriously the longest day EVER!!! And we got an hour earlier at that!!!! I guess I should say this was the longest morning ever.... I kept thinking that it was almost lunch time, and we hadn't even had our morning recess yet! Plus, this has felt like a really long week... and it's a short week! No school on Friday... well, no kids at least, I still have to go.... So I don't know what is up. It seems that all the other teachers had bad days too... Everything was just off. One of my students who has been a behavior problem has been really good lately, now that we have a system in place... but today was just not a good day for him either, which made it not a good day for me.... On top on being a pain in the classroom, he lost his lunch ticket while in line to get to the cafeteria. He lost it because he was not listening to ME and was doing the exact OPPOSITE of what I told him to do, which is putting his hands through the slats of the railing, and thus dropping his ticket in the bush. I told him that he couldn't have lunch now, and he has a total melt down! He was screaming, and throwing a tantrum, and then to top it all off, because he wanted to go look for his ticket and I told him he couldn't, he flipped me off... yes, a four year old boy gave me the finger! I am just glad that tomorrow is another day, and the last one for the week at that!

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