
Friday, August 1, 2008

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World...


I am writing you from you classroom again! It is finally Friday! It has been a long week, and I only spent 2 days with the kids... and I only had half of them!!! The other half come on Monday and Tuesday, and then I have them all together starting Wednesday. Today was better than yesterday, but there were still struggles along the way. I even had moments where I missed D***** from my class last year :) Yes! Can you believe it! But I was feeling the same way last year... so I know it will just take time til I get to know the students. I think what is hardest is that these kids have NEVER been to school... so there is so much that they don't know! Like walking in a line, or sitting still, or LISTENING! My goodness... we've got a lot of work to do here!

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