
Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday, Monday

I must admit that it was hard to relax over the weekend... I kept having this feeling that I there were things that I needed to do, but I didn't have anything to do, if that makes sense.... The last week has been sooo consumed with school that I couldn't comprehend not doing anything. Plus, I was stressing about my class... It seems to be fluctuating so much, I was afraid I was going to end up with more kids than I could handle! Although I was not looking forward to coming to work today, it turned out to be quite enjoyable. I believe that my students are going to be a steady 22. The class was also well behaved today, which made things less stressful, more fun, and we were able to get twice as much accomplished! I think my room is finally starting to feel not so ugly and dirty. I think I'm gonna put up another bulletin board over a chalkboard to add some more color.

Well, I guess that is it. Hopefully this week will continue to go well. It's weird how I felt so stressed out over the weekend, and now that I am back at work, I feel so must better! Maybe because I have more of a sense of control here ! Ha! Who knows!

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