Do do do do.....
I am coming to the end of a long, productive yet relaxing weekend... Friday there was no school because it was Statehood Day. Yeah for holidays! I went into school anyways and did some work around the classroom and got things organized. I have also now rearranged my room again now for the third time. I think it is getting there!!!! I stayed from about 9-3, and then went home so that I could Skype my family for my dad's birthday. My grandparents and two of my aunts were also there, so it was nice to get to see everybody.
Saturday I went to the beach with Jill and it was the first time since I have been here that I have stepped into the ocean! I has thought about bringing work with me to the beach, but instead decided to buy a People magazine at Wal-Mart and read that instead! (Brad and Angie's baby pics are soooo adorable!) I took a picture at the beach which I am gonna send to my grandparents, but I posted it here, so I can share with everyone!
Today I went to church, and it was really great. The worship songs reminded me of church back home, not only the songs they did, but the way they did it and the Spirit behind it and everything. There are three guys who rotate leading worship, and I would have to say that I like today's the best. After church I went to see "Journey to the Center of the Earth" with a friend from work. It was actually pretty good!
Okay, so that was my weekend... oh yeah! And I have to say, that I have discovered that the Hawaiian commercials are the funniest I have ever seen!!! Seriously, there is just something about them. They all make me laugh. I don't know if it is the cheesyness or the bad acting, but they just make me laugh all the time!
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