
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Adeus Brazil!

Today I leave Brazil and head off to NYC! I have had wonderful time in Brazil, and would love to come back again some day (hopefully in next 5 years while my visa is still good!)

Here are some of the pictures that I have taken over the week in addition to the ones I posted at first. On Tuesday or Wednesday (I don't remember which day!) the giant map that Jill made was laid out on the gym floor. People got to pray and worship on the map, and it was amazing! On Wednesday afternoon Jill did her first of two workshops, which I sat in on. Even though I had heard it once before, it was still really cool to hear again how God is using mapping to fulfill the great commission. It has been really great being here this week, seeing people come together and strategyzing how to reach each and every person in the world!!! Wow! It's an amazing task that is in progress!

I have had a lot of down time this week, which has been nice, since I pretty much left for this trip straight from work! And it has been great supporting Jill in which ever way I can.

Since the Call2All congress ended on Friday morning we had the afternoon to do what we wanted. So we walked through the town to try to find some souvenirs but everything was so nice and expensive! We went to a mall to look around (which had like 5 levels!) but it was way out of our budget :) We don't even have a mall in Kona, and this one was way nice and way cleaner than even the one in Santa Rosa! The whole city is way cleaner than any city I have seen in the US, and it definitely feels safer than a lot of places in CA!

We did eventually find a little shop that sold turisty stuff so yay for that!

Okay, well, check out is in 20! Got to run! Hope you enjoy the pics!

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