
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Aloha all!

I am writing from my computer in my brand new classroom! Actually, it's not brand new, but it's new to me! I still have a lot of work to get done before parents come tomorrow (yikes!) so this will be short for now. But I just wanted to let you all know, in case you didn't already... I am going to be teaching Kindergarten! I keep meaning to bring my camera to take pictures of the process of cleaning the room and then the final project, but I keep forgetting! Hopefully I will eventually remember and you all will be able to see what it looks like! Okay, back to cleaning and organizing frenzy!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Now I know my ABC's

Next time won't you sing with me :)

Aloha all! Well, I heard back from the principal at Kealakeke Elementary School... she offered the fifth grade position to the other candidate.... BUT.... she will more than likely need another Kindergarten teacher due to a sudden incline of student enrollment! I will hopefully know by tomorrow if I have the job or not!! I am soooo excited for it, though.... I was trying to get myself excited for fifth grade, but this just comes naturally!!! Yeah!!! OMG.... I am so stoked.... I pray I get it :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm So Excited!

And I just can't hide it!

For the past WEEK my computer has been failing to connect to the internet... well, praise Jesus! It is working now... so a total of four minutes so far!!!! Which is TWICE as long as it has worked so far! So PRAISE JESUS!!!! Hopefully it will keep it up!!!!

So island life is going pretty well... I am waiting to hear back still about a fifth grade job. I would of course be totally stoked to get it! (even though fifth grade is NOTHING like first grade) I am up to the challenge. If I don't get it, then I'll go back to my plan b of subbing.... or there is always Bubba Gumps, which is about a ten or so minute walk from my house... (I think that would actually be kinda fun :)

I've gone to the same church the past two Sundays... I like it so far, but still want to check out some other ones, but I'm gonna have to wait until I get my own car to do that. But no hurry!

Well, when I hear about the work situation, I will let you all know! And hopefully my internet will continue to function (Praise ya Jesus!!!)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just call me teacher, in the morning, baby!

Aloha friends and family!

About a half an hour ago my phone rang, and it was a principal from one of the local schools! I had gone out on Monday to three local schools, just to make myself known to the administations there. The final school that I went to the principal said that they were not hiring for teaching positions and later said that they may be calling me for a reading tutor job...

Well, she called me, but it wasn't for the reading tutor position. She had forgotten that they need a grade five teacher! Yes! Isn't God great?!? Fifth grade is definitely not a first choice for me, but I got to get my foot in the door somewhere!!! So tomorrow I am meeting with her at 3:30 my time adn she is gonna talk with me, look at my portfolio, and I guess see if I am qualified! Oh my! I think I am still in shock :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cause You Had a Bad Day....

Ha ha ha! Hopefully I did it again, and now that song will be in your head the rest of the day! Jill and I heard that song at Safeway yesterday before we hit the road to see the volcano, and I had it in my head the whole day!!! But I love that song, so I don't care... ha ha, it makes me think of you Avila :)

So after Safeway for some lunch, we headed off to the volcano... on the way we stopped at South Point, which in the most southern point in all of the USA! Pretty neato! :) At south point, people go cliff jumping, but unfortunately, there were no cliff jumpers when we were there...

After we finished eating our lunch at south point, we continued on to the volcano. It rained at first when we were there, but it didn't last long. After we saw the plume of smoke coming out of the crater, we headed off to the lave tube... it was super cool, and super dark. You HAVE to have a flashlight, otherwise you can't see a thing. When we were about to go inside the tube, we met a family of five from Chicago who wanted to go too, but didn't have flashlights, so we had them tag along with us. It was super fun!!!

After the lavea tube, we headed off towards where the lave was pouring into the ocean and creating steam... we couldn't get too close, but closer! It was cool because we got to see where lava had over taken the road. There was a point before and after that where we couldn't get out of the car because of the sulfur dioxide coming from the volcano.

We didn't get home until about nine, so it was a long day... but it was lots of fun getting to see the island! :)

Friday, July 11, 2008


Aloha! For those of you who don't know, Kama'aina is a Hawaiian word for "locals". Today I became a Kama'aina! I officially now have a Hawaiian driver's license and I am a registered voter here on the island of Hawaii. (i was gonna get a library card today too... but that didn't end up happening) I still don't have a job or a car (though I may very soon!), but I am finally beginning to feel like this is where I live.

Tomorrow I am going with Jill to see the volcano, so hopeful I will have some pictures for you all!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Just Another Day in Paradise

Ha ha ha! My hope is that you all will have that song in your head for the rest of the day :)

So today I walked into town and went to the library, and hung out there for a couple of hours... I couldn't get a library card because I have no proof of residency... YET! but i stayed there for a couple of hours and read "Monk Goes to Hawaii"... Yes! Monk, as in THE MONK... there is a book series... who knew!?!

On the way to the library I took this pic... Just for you Mom... cause you wanted me to take pics! So only one pic for now... hopefully there will be more to come!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Aloha all!

Yesterday I arrived safely to Kona... thank so much for all of your prayers. It is very much appreciated. Today has been my first full day here in Kona. Jill took me to the post office, Wal-Mart and Safeway.

Ha! I must interject! There is a gecko crawling on the carpet! This is great! :)

Okay, anyways, later today Jill had to go to a meeting, so I decided to take a walk into town. The marketplace is just down the street from where I live, so it is really convenient. The vog comes in the afternoons, which is actually kind of nice because the overcastness makes it not so hot.

Please still be praying for a car and a job for me! Not having either right now is driving me crazy... but it making me have to rely on more than just myself, so I guess it is good!