
Monday, January 25, 2010

Here today, gone toMaui...

This last weekend I was in Maui and it was much needed! My roommate Chrissy and I and our friend Doug left Friday evening and had a relaxing night in Maui. The next day we went to Lahaina and shopped (well, Chrissy and I shopped, and Doug waited outside). It was such a wonderful day of no stress and good times. That evening we met up with our friend Marrissa who lives in Maui and we all had dinner together at Stellablues. The next day was the Maui Oceanfront Marathon, which was the whole purpose of the trip (besides shopping!) We got up at 430am and took Doug to the start in Wailea. After we saw him off, Chrissy and I went back to bed! We woke up a couple of hours later and drove to Lahaina. We were expecting to have plenty time there to see Doug cross the finish, but he ran faster than we expected and barely made it there in time! His time was 3hr28min! And he came in 8th place overall! We were so proud of him! After hanging around for a couple of hours we made our way back to Kihei and packed up and headed to the airport. It was a great weekend!

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