
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The next couple of weeks...

Report cards go home tomorrow, so as I sit by my computer waiting for the pages to print I think this would be an opportune time to give you all an update!

A couple of friends and myself are leaving for Maui on Friday, and I am VERY exctied about that! One of them is running in the marathon there, and the other two of us are going to cheer him on! It will be nice to go back to Maui, even though I was just there back in September. The last time I was there my friend and I tried to go to this Indian food restaraunt, but it was being remodeled. Hopefully now it is open and we can go eat there! I am also looking forward to hanging out in Lahaina and going to the LUSH store while our friend is running the race.

In a couple more weeks I will be going to Oahu with my youth group for a weekend long retreat. I am really looking for to that too. I am still leading worship at the youth group and I will be doing it at the retreat as well. So within 2 weeks I will be on three different islands! Very exciting!

School has been going well, though I can't believe this is only my thrid week back since vacaction... it feels like much longer. I have a great group of kids that I work with and as frustrating as they can be at times, they are also very entertaining. For example, one of my boys drew in his journal all these little squiggles and scribbles. I thought they looked like the writing from the cube on transformers so I asked him what it was. He said it was from transformers and that it was in his mind! Ha! Man, I love my job sometimes.

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