This summer Kory and I have taken up a new interest in watching food and health documentaries. We've watched quite a few this summer; some we liked more than others. The most recent one we watched was "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". It's about a guy from Australia who goes on a 60 day road trip of the US while doing a 60 day juice cleanse as an attempt to heal an autoimmune disease he has by consuming solely fruits and vegetables. It is a great documentary and I highly recommend it! (It's on Netflix!)
Kory and I were so inspired by this documentary that we decided to give the juicing thing a try. Since we are just starting out with juicing we didn't want to spend a ton of money on one, though we know you get what you pay for. But I've learned a thing or too about getting great deals when shopping! We found one that had high ratings and was reasonably priced at Target. However, I found that it was like $20 cheaper online than at the actual store! (The woes of living in Hawai'i). We tried to order it online using ebates (why not get some cash back on it!) and then just pick it up at the store later that day (and save on shipping!). Unfortunately, it was out of stock online, and even though we wanted to just do a store pick up, it wouldn't let us order it on online. I was pretty ticked off. The good news is that Target does price matching! So we just went back to Target, grabbed the juicer, took it to customer service and said we wanted the online price. Bada bing bada boom! We just got ourselves a high quality juicer for under $50!
Okay, enough of my tangent on bargain shopping...
We love our juicer! We tried to do just juice for a couple days. It was really hard. For now we are just using it to replace a meal instead of all of our meals. Like for breakfast today! My favorite is apple, carrot, and beet. It is SO good! I also found that juices with beet were also the most filling!
Kory's go to now is apple, carrot, and celery.
We tried using cucumber in our juices, but found it to be really overpowering. Kory even tried bell pepper and onion in his one time. (Meh!) He is much braver and much more experimental than me!
I have to make one more tangent here... We are composting the fibers left over from juicing, and yesterday I found this little guy IN the compost box.
So among other things I have now added placing a lid on the compost box to my to do list today.
Juicing can get expensive, which is why we got our produce at the farmers market and Costco. (Apples, carrots, celery are all dirt cheap at Costco!) And after seeing how costly juicing is on a first hand basis it makes us all the more glad that we have our
JuicePLus+. It's so much cheaper than juicing all the time and we still get all our phytonutrients and micronutrients. Or as Kory has dubbed them: phycronutrients!